About Ducky

Supporting customers is hard. We’ve crushed tickets, run support teams, and built software for support teams… we get it.

When we set out to build Ducky, we started by interviewing a TON of teams (200+) to understand the root cause of Support challenges. Turns out, it’s a knowledge problem. Support is an inherently challenging, emotionally taxing role. The information you need to do your job is stored in a million different places and it’s a constant effort to know where to find that information.

So, we asked ourselves — if we can make knowledge more accessible by delivering relevant information and removing the burden of crafting the perfect response, could we increase Support team productivity, create better customer experiences, and generally make Support more enjoyable?

Turns out…we can.

At Ducky, we’re Support obsessed. Support teams are the gateway to your customer and the backbone of any great organization. Ducky is proud to support Support teams.

Quack On,

Hongbo Tian & James O’Brien, Co-Founders

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"I’m very impressed with how useful Ducky is. I’m excited for our whole team to use it… the speed at which Ducky iterates and becomes even more useful is impressive. I’m very excited about Ducky, genuinely."

Connor Norris

Delight Team Manager @ Superhuman